Monday, January 30, 2012


I manged to drag my ass to four 6:30am classes since my last post. You know, you can get a lot done between the hours of 8am and 10am. No one's up yet. News cycle hasn't started.

I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

(CUT TO: 2 weeks from now and me swearing to never go near a studio at 6:30 in the morning EVER AGAIN, but for now, it's a beautiful friendship)

Also....kudos to people who teach early early morning classes, especially where I'm practicing. A) They get up even earlier than I do and B) They handle a rough situation very well. Let me splain:

That early in the morning, I'm just not mentally ready to go THERE right away. I try to be awake and present but it's definitely not an easy feat. I appreciate that teachers respect that and still push you to do the pose right. They know you can't just pop back into a back bend (after the second one, though, I'm pretty much awake as I'll ever be in my life) but they also know you didn't drag your ass there to stand and do nothing. I still sweat, I still push, I still feel all sorts of pain sensations in the back of my thigh, and my heart rate is elevated (just like it's supposed to be). I appreciate that a lot. I don't know if I could ever do it.

Although I did like it when the teacher this morning slipped up and told us to bring the forehead to the knee during final spine twist. Nobody made any big deal about it, but it definitely led me to contemplate what the hell that would look like.

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