Yeah, so about this thing. I guess once school started, I stopped writing in it.
So, to those people who have missed not reading it or need something to roll their eyes at, it's back. I really need more yogi friends, because I'm sure this all just sounds like pure insanity. Which, I mean, it is. Those rooms get really hot. And make me nauseous. And then I come back for more and write about it. (As in, I thought I was going to throw up in today's class, but I didn't...)
I guess some of my goals for 2012 would be to try some new studios and new practices. I love Bikram, and it's a great home base. But I miss vinyassa classes. And I'd love to get deeper into yin yoga. Just a question of keeping an eye out and paying for classes and all that. Also, love to explore more of the NYC Bikram community. There are something like 10 studios on the island, might as well get to a couple of them.
Deal for myself: once a week. Maybe every Sunday or Monday? About what? God knows. We'll see where this goes.
I feel like by the end of this year I'll know if a teacher training of some kind is right for me. It feels like it is and that teaching would bring me a lot of joy (if nothing else). I think a good training would also help me answer some questions and understand more of the yoga. However, I know I'm going to have to wait until after the spring of next year. I don't foresee fitting in a training during my time at NYU, but who knows?
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