Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Beginning

All right, another yoga blog. Let's do this up right.

I guess my journey with yoga began in earnest last December. I'd dabbled before, tried a couple classes here, a couple classes there, but never really got what all the fuss was about. Last December, though, I returned to Yoga to the People on St. Mark's Pl, and something happened. Ever since then, I've been practicing pretty regularly and doing some reading/research on the history of hatha yoga and its benefits (If interested in some of the history of American Yoga, Stephanie Syman's The Subtle Body is a great place to start).

So, I'm clearly still really new at this, but I'm pretty sure it will be a part of the rest of my life. I plan on getting certified to teach yoga. There will probably be millions of posts detailing my struggle deciding this. RYS-200 or Bikram yoga? Where am I going to get it? How am I going to pay for it? Will it be something I do full time or something I do as well as attempt to live as an actor? 

After a couple months at Yoga to the People and with some great, great teachers in Pittsburgh, I became curious about Bikram Yoga (Lady Gaga may have had something to do with it, I'm not saying either way). A well timed Groupon, a close studio, a sort of need to do something, and I've decided to embark on a 30-day challenge (30 classes, 30 days). It may turn into a 60-day challenge, but I'll probably think of it as two 30-day challenges. Easier on my brain.

Also, I read stories like this one and can't help but feel moved. (And I defy anyone else not to as well)

Now, here's where the skeptical comes in: I still can't say what it is I feel about Bikram Yoga. On the one hand, I cannot deny that is has fascinated me. I've read stories of people transforming their lives through the practice and stockpiling blogs to read of dedicated Bikram teachers/yogis for inspiration and information. I've watched clips of competitions to see how the poses should be done on real moving bodies. Clearly, something has clicked in my brain somewhere. No use fighting it, better go with it.

Don't know if I should share just yet, feel like I could offend people and don't want to start out that way. We'll see where this goes.

Tomorrow marks day 7/class 7. Expect a report (provided I don't miss the bus/sleep in after the night shit and end up doubling up next week.)

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